Danny Joe Hall

July 23, 2012

First of all, I would like to thank Carrie Beth for getting this web page started.  I have been reading all of your posts and each one has touched my heart.  It means so much to know how loved and revered my Dad was to all of you.  I was the most privileged Hall kid (since I got to know him the longest).   I remember him in so many different ways.  When I was young and he was working construction, there were many times I got to spend the day with him riding in his old truck to run errands.  He would stop at the store and get me a Nehi peach soda (glass bottle) and we would enjoy the day together.  I remember looking over at him and his big arms and thinking nobody could be stronger than my daddy and how lucky I was that day to be with him.  He could build anything, fix anything, play anything, and he was my hero.  Later on in life (high school) he would sometimes drop me and Nathan off at school in the old truck.  It was mainly blue, but had rust and bondo all over it and we were starting to worry about our image.  He knew this and decided to honk his horn and yell out the window in front of all the other school kids and say “That’s my sons right here!! – The Hall boys.”  He was always doing stuff like that, but we knew he loved us.  One of the things I will miss the most is how he would find his way down to the altar and wrap his arms around you and thank God for you and pray with and for you.  He was my very best friend and I will miss him dearly, but I feel blessed to be his son and hope that I see him again very soon. “Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”

Kelly McGaughey Gilbert

July 18, 2012

As long as I can remember back, I remember the Halls being a part of our lives. Brother Danny was one of my dads closest friends, as well as Mrs. Deedee my moms, and Carrie mine! So needless to say our families are very close. In many ways Brother Danny felt more like an uncle to me than any of my actual uncles ever have. I spent many weeks throughout the years traveling with the Halls during the summer. We would drive down the interstate, always a C.D. playing, some of which he enjoyed torturing Carrie and me with! Doc Watson being his favorite. I would not trade those memories and special times for anything. I didn’t always know what kind of mood Brother Danny would be in, or when he was gonna decide to pack up and leave, or where he would decide to stop for the night, but I always knew that Brother Danny loved me and cared for me like family! And I hope he knew I felt the same. And as far as his Godly influence in my life, I heard things and watched things He went through in his lifetime and His Faith in God never seemed to waiver. He sang when he did not feel like it and traveled to a meeting to preach when his body could barely keep going. He loved God with all his heart and taught me that no matter how hard life gets God is there to take care of you, and we should be there to serve Him. I will miss Brother Danny always, but I know one day I will see him again! And I know his life made a difference in so many others, including mine. Thank you Brother Danny!

Mark McGaughey

July 13, 2012

My friend, Danny Mack! Danny was a fisherman elite he could catch fish when no one else could. One day we fished a private lake on a farm, we were catch’n crappie. On this day I caught two fish to his one. Another thing Danny was a expert pool shot. After fishing that day I beat him a couple games in row, Danny in a way that only he could said ,we need to buy you lottery ticket today! The only time in over twenty years I got the best of him.

Dana Dew

July 10, 2012

My dad, Carl Southerland, and Bro. Danny grew up together, ran around in the world together, and then best of all, got saved and served the Lord together. So my memories of him and the whole family go as far back as my own family memories. But one of the most special ones of him to me goes back a little over 11 years ago. I was pregnant with our second child and was going in on a Sunday night to get ready for labor induction on the following Monday morning. And I had already had major complications during most of the pregnancy and was extremely nervous about the induction and wondering if all would be well with the delivery and the baby. So early that Monday morning, my husband had to leave the hospital to run an errand and I was alone in the room and fear and nerves and emotions had crept up on me once again, and I was laying there fretting, when a little peck sounded and about that time a head poked around the door of my room. And of all people it was Bro. Danny!! I remember thinking what in the world???? lol But he came over to the bed and said, “Sis, I just wanted to come by and check on ya and pray with ya. And let ya know everything’s gonna be alright.” Come to find out he had to come to the hospital early that morning himself for some blood work and tests, and had taken the time to come by just to pray with me. All these years, that has stuck with me and made an impact on me, and he never knew just how much that helped me and meant to me. Of course, he was right too, everything really was alright. My son, Luke, was born healthy and Bro. Danny always called him “Lukey Boy”. They always had a little special connection it seemed. Back a few months ago we were at their house, and Bro. Danny was so very sick, and he was sitting in his chair in the big room by the fire and covered in blankets, and not feeling like talking or visiting. So the rest of us were in the other living room, all but “Lukey Boy”. He just sat in the big room with Bro. Danny the whole time we were there. Just the 2 of them, neither one saying a word, and when I tried to get him to come up with everybody else, he said, “Nah, I think I’ll just sit here with Bro. Danny.” I will always love and miss him and treasure the countless memories in my heart of him. As well as the closeness I’ve been blessed to have with the rest of the family.

Happy Grand Reunion

July 9, 2012

My brothers and I had the honor of singing at the graveside service for Dad. We sang one of mom and dad’s songs “Happy Grand Reunion” This was later that night at Mom’s house.

Sweet Fellowship

July 9, 2012

After the graveside service (the cemetery was so small and hard to get to, that only family went), we came back to the house and so many of our dear friend from all over the country were there. When we walked in there was such a sweet calm spirit. It was precious. They had been singing and playing music, and of course we joined right in. Nathan was able to record a little of our evening. I thought you might enjoy it.


Mark McGaughey

July 7, 2012

I could very easily write a story a day about Danny Mack. We preached prayed vacationed together we hunted fished cried shouted laughed till we almost died together.One of my favorites is fishing for crappie one night on David Woods pontoon boat,Danny thinking he was taking his regular night dose of his 15 pills grabbed the wrong pill bottle on the dark boat,well after taking about 30 excedrin migraine which is probably 100,000 milligrams of caffeine. He was up for 30 hours and the message he preached at camp the next morning is known to this day as the excedrin message. I MISS MY BUDDY.

Richard Drummond

July 6, 2012

I have so many wonderful memories of Danny Mac.  I have spent vacations, revivals and campmeetings with Danny over the last 25 yrs. Playing golf was always fun with Bro. Danny. At the end of every hole I would ask,”what did you have?”  His answer was always “5”. Didn’t matter if it was a an “8”, it was still a “5”. We would all laugh, and he’d say,”well,it should have been.” Thanks Danny for all the memories.

Trusting the Lord

July 5, 2012

This is a comment I made on one of my friend’s blogs. She lost her six year old daughter, Nevaeh (our spunky princess) to cancer last October. She recently went to a bereaved mothers retreat, and was confiding on her blog that she realized she lost her trust in the Lord. I shared with her a few of the things I’ve learned through my recent journey of trust. Maybe they’ll be a blessing to you too.

Hello My Dear Friend,
Sometimes it is so hard to trust a supernatural being. We do not, nor will we ever this side of Heaven, understand Him. I’ve struggled with the same thing with dad. The Lord did such a work to get him on the transplant list. He opened so many door and really gave us such a hope that dad was going to make it. Being the only one on the list, he really should have gotten a liver in a matter of weeks. It never came. When one was finally available back in May, some fluke thing happened with some of his antibodies, and his kidney wouldn’t be able to accept it. That was when I realized, this may not happen. It almost seemed a cruel joke that God could open so many doors, give us (especially mom)so many literal and Biblical signs of hope. (I’ll have to tell you about them all sometime). After his hemorrhage and major set back on the 26th (mine and my parents anniversary, ironic huh?) that big flame of hope shrank down to just a small flicker. When were leaving the hospital with dad, going home to spend the last few days with him I really worried about mom. Would she be upset with the Lord? It almost seemed as if He had lied to her. I should have known better. This sure wasn’t her first rodeo. She told me later, “You know. I’m glad the Lord gave us hope those last few months. Otherwise we would have been in deep depression. It gave us something to live for, to be happy about.” Her Faith is amazing. Dee McGaughey told her and me as well, that all the promises of life, and health that that hope we were promised, really were answered. It wasn’t how we wanted or even thought they would be answered, but God did heal him, and he is still alive. More than he ever was in some sense. I looked back at the verses that God gave me for dad, the verses of hope and comfort, and really Heaven answered them more completely than a transplant ever could. Knowing how very sick he was inside now, I’m actually a little thankful that he didn’t have to suffer through such a major surgery that probably wouldn’t have worked anyway.
Again, trusting a God that never really shows you all the reasons why, or reveals the future (or even the present) is not easy, or even natural. But I’ve found out so many times, that he hides things from us for our benefit. The times in the past that I did think dad was dying, I was in such turmoil. I think if I knew for sure that it was happening then, I would have been a train wreck. The gift of hope that God gave me really did get me through it. It made the journey much more peaceful and doable.
That’s one thing that I’ve learned about the Lord and his grace. It only works for the present, not the future. I know it will be there when I need it, but if I live in today, God’s grace is there. If I think about tomorrow or all the horrible “what ifs”, I fall apart.
So my encouragement, Amy is to trust God today. Don’t fret over how you’ll make it through those special anniversaries without her. We’ll get there soon enough. Think of today. It’s not easy to be here without her, but it is doable.
I love you and your family so much. I’m so thankful the Lord knit our hearts together! I’m praying for you. Love, Carrie

Sean Kirkland

July 1, 2012

I do not have any specific story, but I always enjoyed getting to pick and sing with Bro. Hall at my church or at Bro. Woods church. He taught me a lot, and I enjoyed his friendship, I will sorely miss him.