Verily Verily

December 3, 2017

By Dee Dee Hall

Verily, Verily

(A Testimony of Danny Mack Hall)

“Verily, verily,” were the two words I heard

The street- preacher speak from God’s holy word.

I was so lost and far from my home,

On the Hollywood street, and completely alone.


The very next day, I hitched a ride

And was dropped in the desert with no place to hide

From the two words that swirled around in my head.

I couldn’t remember anything else that was said.


But, “Verily, verily.” I say unto you,

“That night was cold, but what could I do?”

With tears flowing down I looked at the sky.

“God, are your real? Do you hear my cry?”


As the sun came up I was no longer cold.

Just hot and thirsty and back on the road.

A car passed by and something flew out at me.

Was it money or food? I just had to see.


What? A little book of scriptures. Could this be?

Each verse starting with, “Verily, verily???

And then I knew that God heard my cry.

He was hot on my trail. This I could not deny!


Later that year my sins got me bound.

In a cold, hard, jail cell this sinner was found.

I was as lost as a sinner could be. Then-

“Verily, verily,” Jesus said unto me.

“I am the Door. I have the key.

If you’re a servant of sin, I’ll set you free.

Ye must be born again for the kingdom to see.

If you really want life, then believe on me.”


I cried out to God, there on my bed.
“Send a drop of your blood, so pure and so red.

Cleanse me, save me, please set me free.”

That’s just what He did! “Verily, verily,” I say unto thee.

-Dee Dee Hall

One Response to “Verily Verily”

  1. preachitbob Says:

    Thank you, for this and your friendship throughout the years. May you and Carrie and Family have a great and blessed Christmas
    Bro Bob Nogalski

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