Dana Dew

July 10, 2012

My dad, Carl Southerland, and Bro. Danny grew up together, ran around in the world together, and then best of all, got saved and served the Lord together. So my memories of him and the whole family go as far back as my own family memories. But one of the most special ones of him to me goes back a little over 11 years ago. I was pregnant with our second child and was going in on a Sunday night to get ready for labor induction on the following Monday morning. And I had already had major complications during most of the pregnancy and was extremely nervous about the induction and wondering if all would be well with the delivery and the baby. So early that Monday morning, my husband had to leave the hospital to run an errand and I was alone in the room and fear and nerves and emotions had crept up on me once again, and I was laying there fretting, when a little peck sounded and about that time a head poked around the door of my room. And of all people it was Bro. Danny!! I remember thinking what in the world???? lol But he came over to the bed and said, “Sis, I just wanted to come by and check on ya and pray with ya. And let ya know everything’s gonna be alright.” Come to find out he had to come to the hospital early that morning himself for some blood work and tests, and had taken the time to come by just to pray with me. All these years, that has stuck with me and made an impact on me, and he never knew just how much that helped me and meant to me. Of course, he was right too, everything really was alright. My son, Luke, was born healthy and Bro. Danny always called him “Lukey Boy”. They always had a little special connection it seemed. Back a few months ago we were at their house, and Bro. Danny was so very sick, and he was sitting in his chair in the big room by the fire and covered in blankets, and not feeling like talking or visiting. So the rest of us were in the other living room, all but “Lukey Boy”. He just sat in the big room with Bro. Danny the whole time we were there. Just the 2 of them, neither one saying a word, and when I tried to get him to come up with everybody else, he said, “Nah, I think I’ll just sit here with Bro. Danny.” I will always love and miss him and treasure the countless memories in my heart of him. As well as the closeness I’ve been blessed to have with the rest of the family.

One Response to “Dana Dew”

  1. Carrie Says:

    You ole thing, always make me cry! That was precious though, so were Dad’s last words to you. It was so sweet to be in there when he was telling you how proud he was of you as a Christian young lady, someone people can look up to, and thanking you for being such a friend to all of us. We all love ya, Poo. Thanks for being there so much and being such a blessing to all of us through this. I’ll always remember and cherish our grand adventure in March lol. Thanks for coming to my rescue. 🙂

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